Spring Season Board: Worms

Wiggle worms! The spring rains have been bringing them out and the girls enjoy investigating them. I handed one to Nora and she decided that it was important to carry it all the way to the fence and throw it through. I guess because that’s where she saw me release the snake? Haha, I’ll never understand what goes on in a toddler’s head.

Coloring Page!

The document has a version with and without text.

After coloring, we covered the worms with Elmer’s glue. I was hoping it would add a smooth texture once it tried, but it didn’t work super well. I think I’ll use a low-temp hot glue gun in the future if we do a craft like this again.

Here are your fun worm facts:

  1. Scientific name: Lumbricus herculeus and Lumbricus terrestris

  2. They are not native to North America and are considered invasive.

  3. These species can reproduce without a mate (asexual reproduction).

  4. They eat decaying plant and animal matter (detritivore) and turn it into soil.

  5. They don’t have arms, legs, or EYES, but can sense if they are in light.

Since worms wiggle in the dirt, they fit nicely into the corner of our board.


Spring Season Board: Fleabane


Spring Season Board: Sulphur Butterfly