Autumn Season Board: Milkweed

We started with milkweed so we can learn about Monarchs next. Unfortunately, with the drought, our milkweed hasn't done great and I never noticed any monarch caterpillars - I usually see several each year. The milkweed in our area is generally orange (Butterflyweed, Asclepias tuberosa), pink (Swamp Milkweed, A. incarnata), or white and pink (Common Milkweed, A. syriaca).

Make it stand out

In our yard, I have landscaped with Butterfly weed. It makes clusters of small orange flowers, so I just cut apart an orange pom-pom for fluff the girls can glue on. Claire added the bees and butterfly 🥰

Fun fact, the milkweeds are kind of color-coded based on how much water they like: Orange can tolerate dryer conditions, Pink needs lots of water, and white is somewhere in the middle.


Autumn Season Board: Monarch


Magnetic, Clothespin Art Hangers